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  • For IEMPA Trainers

    Requirements for IEMPA Trainers

    Requirements for candidates with professional maritime education.


    Candidate IEMPA Examination Trainers must comply with the following requirements and have:

    1.     a graduation diploma or other document confirming the qualification (certificates or diplomas issued by maritime educational institutions, retraining institutions, etc.);

    For Sailing Vessel Trainers, sports achievements of professional yachtsmen with a vast experience in the international sailing races can be taken into account;

    2.     a valid STCW 95 certificate;

    3.     a personal Logbook with entries of time in the sea;

    4.     a confirmed maritime experience as a captain of a vessel with the length of at least 15 m or 80 GT;

    5.     a total sailing experience as a captain of at least 5,000 nautical miles, a maximum gap between cruises being 6 months, the last cruise being maximum 1 year before the application submission;

    6.     a passed training course in the standards and training programs at IEMPA (under a short program);

    7.     be a member of the Association as of the time of the application submission;


    In case of a positive result of the application consideration, the decision is made to assign a candidate the qualification of the Examination Trainer of the relevant level, and the right is provided to teach on behalf of IEMPA. This right enables training immediately on behalf of IEMPA without the need for being a trainer in an authorised training center, but does not allow private practice;


    Requirements for Authorised Training Center Trainers


    Candidate authorised training center trainers without professional maritime education must comply with following requirements and have:


    1.     a diploma of higher education;

    2.     documents confirming the amateur sailing qualification, such as: a national ship driver certificate, certificates or diplomas issued by maritime training institutions, retraining institutions, yacht schools, such as IYT, RYA, ISSA, AYA, with the qualification of at least a Yacht master offshore or equal;

    3.     a valid STCW 95 certificate (А-VI/1-1; А-VI/1-2; А-VI/1-3; А-VI/1-4);

    4.     a personal Logbook with entries of time in the sea;

    5.     a confirmed maritime experience as a captain of a vessel with the length of at least 15 m or 80 GT;

    6.     a total sailing experience as a captain of at least 5,000 nautical miles, a maximum gap between cruises being 6 months, the last cruise being maximum 1 year before the application submission;

    7.     upon the application consideration and approval, a full training course for trainers shall be passed at the IEMPA authorised training center;

    Upon the successful completion of training, a candidate is assigned the qualification of the Trainer of the Training Center with the right of teaching at training centers.